In 2023, I began taking issue with the condition of Flame Retardant Clothing (FRC) being used in REQUIRED areas and tasks. We see garments that in no way would pass a “routine inspection” per NFPA limitations. My go to RAGAGEP for this is NFPA 2113, Standard on Selection, Care, Use, and Maintenance of Flame-Resistant Garments for Protection of Industrial Personnel Against Short-Duration Thermal Exposures from Fire. This NFPA standard (specifically A.7.1.8, criteria used for determining when to retire or repair flame-resistant garments) is quite clear in what a pass/fail criteria must be. The standard also sets the frequency for these “end-user” inspections. BOTH requirements MUST be part of the facility’s written PPE Program and training materials. But in most cases, the host is quick to throw the “contractor” who provides the garments and launders the garment under the proverbial bus, opening the pandora box of who is a PSM/RMP contractor.