I have discussed Stress Corrosion Cracking in refrigeration vessels and have been asked “if it can occur in vessels, can it occur in our piping too”. The short answer is YES. But I want to state again, I am NOT a metallurgist and I am not the person to contact about your SCC concerns. I am merely attempting to pass on my learning’s to others who operate processes which contain anhydrous ammonia. I would also like to point out that SAFTENG does NO consulting, testing or provide any type of services or training on the topic of SCC or Post Weld Heat Treatments (PWHT) so this is NOT a “marketing of fear” to drum up business as some like to accuse me of. I have NEVER, nor will I ever, contact anyone about doing consulting work or offer any of my services. But for those interested in learning more about SCC in anhydrous ammonia processes, here you go with it occurring in piping…