I usually do not post the smaller settlement agreements, but this one caught my eye. The inspection was done in 2015 and this was settled this year; the agreement is dated April 28, 2017. This case caught my eye because it was the same plant that had the NH3 Explosion (at least according to the local fire chief who responded and media accounts) on July 7, 2017. We still do not have an official cause or at least I have not heard of the official cause that led to the leak and how the explosion came about. But items 5, 6, and 7 were related to MI of the process and one wonder’s if EPA its self in their proverbial butt now that there has been an explosion at the facility?
On July 28, 2015, an authorized EPA representative conducted a compliance inspection to determine its compliance with the Risk Management Plan (“RMP”) regulations set forth at 40 C.F.R. Part 68. Based on the July 28, 2015 inspection and documents submitted by Respondent, EPA has determined that Respondent violated the following regulations: