For many of us, it will be coming! Most states in the USA adopt the International Fire Code (IFC) as their Fire Code and HAZMAT Code; although most adopt a “revised” version of the IFC and most states run anywhere from 5-15 years behind the actual IFC. For example, my home state of OH just revised their Fire Code in December 2017 by adopting a revised 2015 IFC. But the fact that the 2018 IFC, Chapter 22 now merely references NFPA 652 as the requirement(s) to meet is a huge step forward for managing COM DUST hazards. With OSHA, we have to piecemeal standards to use as a baseline and all to often we are faced with the argument that NFPA 652 is a “best practice”, but now for those of us in a state where they adopt the IFC there is a good chance in the coming years that we will be able to get management’s attention about what “must be done” to comply with the state’s COM DUST standards/codes. We can only hope that states that adopt a revised code do not manipulate their version so that NFPA 652 is removed.