Once or twice a year I check on the top 10 or 20 RMP accident histories to find any interesting trends. I have been doing this for about 12 years and since starting them, Anhydrous Ammonia always finds it’s place as the top Toxic involved. There are some who want to believe that Anhydrous Ammonia should not even be on the OSHA/EPA list of HHC/EHS and many more who believe that 10,000 pounds is too low of a threshold for this chemical. The accident histories are only one (1) metric, but it does speak volumes. On the other hand, holding 5 spots of the Top 20 Accident histories (25%) when the chemical is BY FAR the most widely used HHC/EHS @ 6,984 facilities and 10,335,041,774 pounds. It is the 3rd most widely held HHC/EHS, behind only “Flammable Mixtures” and Propane, which these flammables accounted for 40% of the Top 20 accident histories. And not to forget one of my favorites… Chlorine had only 1 facility in the Top 20 accident histories and it is 2nd in the number of facilities with 2,345 and 844,296,914 pounds. Here is the Top 20 Accident Histories as of April 2019 (based on the most recent update from April 2018 data). I have put the data into an EXCEL spreadsheet so you can play around with every how you want to sort them…