Sitting here relaxing this Sunday afternoon, I am comforted in now knowing 100% why engineering controls rule over Admin Controls and PPE. As soon as President Trump and his team mentioned some alternative treatments this week for ridding the body of the virus, a lot of folks latched onto the ideas. Our society, which is indicative of our workplaces, wants some easy way of achieving their desired goals. Social distancing is a CHANGE IN BEHAVIORS and WEARING face coverings is also a change in behavior and somewhat PPE. We see people scoffing at these protections, either as not necessary or an infringement on their rights. So looking back on my 27 years in safety I now understand it was not an issue with safety management – it was human behaviors. That same push back I have lived with for all these years against something as fundamental as Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) is not the lack of a written program, training, etc. It is simply the same attitude by many who we have seen responding to the safety measures the government put in place to deal with a transmittable virus that has no vaccine.