This month we saw CAL-OSHA issue citations to a roofing company after two of its employees were literally blown off an asphalt tanker and ten (10) feet to the ground. Both workers sustained serious burns to large portions of their bodies. But after hearing all the comments about “safety is just common sense” I wonder how many professionals, including safety professionals, actually know that an asphalt tanker and kettles can and most often do contain a flammable atmopshere? One fact we do know, at least two workers and their supervisor were NOT aware of this hazard, as the two employees standing on top of a tanker truck were attempting to turn the truck’s discharge pipe to face another direction and their supervisor instructed them to heat the pipe with a propane torch in order to loosen it. The tanker was half-filled with hot liquid asphalt meaning there was plenty of vapor space in the tanker, coupled with the fact that heated liquid asphalt releases flammable vapors made for the perfect storm.
Did you know… asphalt kettles can and often will have a flammable atmosphere