EPA amended RMP “Availability of information to the public”

So in the last month, I have heard four politicians lay claim that EPA’s amended Risk Management Plan rule will actually make “us all” much less safe because of the “public access” part of the amendments. So let’s see what all the fuss is about and what is scheduled to start on March 21st.  I always like to remind politicians that in 1986 (after Bophal), they passed the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) so that communities can know what chemicals are transported and stored in their “backyards”.  Within EPCRA there are these two (2) sections: Sections 311 & 312 which require businesses that have any hazardous chemicals used or stored in their workplace, they must maintain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) AND submit the SDSs or a list of ALL hazardous chemicals, to their State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and local fire department.  Facilities must also submit an annual inventory of these chemicals by March 1 of each year to their SERC, LEPC and local fire department. The information submitted by facilities must be made available to the public.  You’ll never guess this, but the hazardous chemicals covered by Sections 311-312 are also the RMP covered chemicals.  But I digress, back to what’s in store for March as to “public access” to RMPs…

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