EPA releases Q&A’s on Proposed Changes to the RMP Rule

Questions include…

  1. Why is EPA proposing amendments to the RMP rule?
  2. How is EPA’s proposal related to efforts to implement EO 13650?
  3. What are the impacts from accidents at RMP facilities?
  4. What requirements are included in the proposal?
  5. Has EPA discussed these proposed changes with stakeholders or other federal agencies?
  6. How will EPA engage stakeholders regarding the proposed RMP rule?
  7. How do I comment on this proposed regulation?
  8. Is EPA proposing requirements for a Safer Alternatives Analysis?
  9. Why is EPA Proposing Requirements for Third Party Audits?
  10. Why is EPA Changing Incident Investigation Requirements?
  11. Why is EPA proposing to change local coordination requirements?
  12. What changes is EPA proposing regarding local coordination requirements?
  13. What are the proposed requirements for emergency response exercises?
  14. What information would the proposed rule require sharing with the LEPC and emergency response officials?
  15. How does EPA’s proposal make existing public information more accessible to local communities?
  16. Why didn’t EPA revise the RMP List of Regulated Substances to include Ammonium Nitrate (AN)?
  17. Why is EPA not revising the list of chemicals under the RMP rule?

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