The location of stationary sources, and the location and configuration of regulated processes and equipment within a source, can significantly affect the severity of an accidental release. The location of the stationary source in relation to public and environmental receptors may exacerbate the impacts of an accidental release, such as blast overpressures or concentrations of toxic gases, or conversely, it may allow such effects to dissipate prior to reaching receptors. Siting of processes and equipment within a stationary source can impact the surrounding community not only through the proximity of the accidental release to offsite receptors adjacent to the facility boundary (e.g., people, infrastructure, environmental resources) but also by increasing the likelihood of a secondary “knock-on” release by compromising nearby processes. EPA is proposing to emphasize the requirement to consider stationary source siting in the regulatory text to ensure that the requirement’s intent is properly incorporated in siting hazard evaluations.