When we do our many third-party S&H audits around the country, there are a few findings we could just leave on our spreadsheet as they are so common from business to business. One of these common findings is the lack of annual training for employees on their rights to access, view, copy, etc., their own personal medical records, exposure monitoring for chemicals, noise, radiation, etc., and any type of analysis done on this exposure monitoring. Most of us are so busy with the true safety standards that we forget about these standards. I am amazed at the number of EHS professionals and EHS attorneys who were not even aware of this standard and its requirements. Yes, it is low on the scale of standards, but it is fair game for OSHA during an inspection. As for as dollars go, it generated ONLY $175 in citations from 9/08 to 9/09; however, when we look at percentage of citations issued from inspections where it was covered…100%! Here is a breakdown of this standard.