One of the most requested slide deck over the years has been from my 5-Day RAGAGEP course, specific to ASME B31.5, Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components. The PowerPoint file below is only 12 slides from a 300 slide presentation, but the requirements noted in these 12 slides are often not understood at the plant level and thus are often issues during PSM/RMP audits and/or compliance inspections at refrigeration facilities. Now I am NOT a refrigeration engineer or pipe design engineer, so I ask that you consult your contractor engineering firm to explain these requirements, but don’t let them tell you it is not necessary! Anyone can get a copy of ASME B31.5 (I used the 2016 edition) and see these requirements for themselves. These slides are used in my RAGAGEP Training course where we cover a great many RAGAGEPs, I just tend to get into the weeds when we discuss the PRIMARY CONTAINMENT systems (e.g. vessels, piping, hoses, etc.) so this is offered, plus I get a lot of strange looks when I begin to ask for this information when I did audits at ammonia refrigeration plants. So here is the .pptx file with the 12 slides, if you have questions feel free to contact me and we can discuss. SAFTENG members only…