29 CFR 1910.106(d)(2)(iii) specifies the maximum container size depending upon the category of flammable liquid and the type of material from which the container is made. However, it is not uncommon to see flammable liquids in plastic and glass containers that are larger than allowed by the standard. In many cases the chemical is in the container in which it was shipped to the facility.
Nationally recognized testing laboratories approve some plastic and glass containers on the market that are larger than the sizes listed in Table H-12 (see Appendix A) and the exception in 29 CFR 1910.106 (d)(2)(iii). Additionally, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) exemptions permit the use of USDOT specification and non-specification polyethylene containers and non-regulated containers for transporting specifically identified Class B poisonous liquids and combustible and flammable liquids in motor vehicles, rail freight, and cargo vessels.