ISO 45001 is a consensus standard and is being developed through a rigorous process. We will endeavor to provide a description of the draft standard, discuss the performance expectations, and provide an overview of actions, processes, and procedures required for ISO 45001 alignment. The standard was written in customary business English. The terminology has been harmonized with other ISO standards. For example in ISO 45001 (safety), ISO 9001 (quality) and ISO 14001 (environmental) Section 4 relates to the “context of the organization”, Section 5 relates to “leadership”, and Section 6 relates to “planning”. This alignment of sections allows organizations to more easily adopt the fundamental framework used in all ISO business related performance standards. ISO 45001 has three sections of introductory material. These sections are the introduction, the purpose, and the terms and definitions. Then, there are seven major sections that contain the actual safety content. Sections 4 through 10 within ISO 45001 are as follow: