It is the year 2018 – OSHA promulgated its Control of Hazardous Energy standard (1910.147) in 1989. That means we should have been practicing LOTO for nearly 29 years, and yet we continue to see unreal failures related to workers performing servicing and maintenance without “locking it out.” This week’s Incident Alerts contained an incident that takes sadness to a new level… the worker inside the machine (a shredder) yelled out to his co-workers to turn it on while he was still inside the machine. The co-worker(s) did so and walked away, of course not realizing their co-worker was inside the machine. A couple of hours later, the co-workers were missing him and began to look for him. They remembered he was last seen working on the shredder and found his body in the landfill after passing through it! This is just NOT supposed to happen in an industrial nation with minimum safety standards (i.e., OSHA)! Here is the incident news account…