A 51-year-old female employee was fatally injured when she leaned into a machine and was pinned, resulting in crushing injuries to her head and neck. On the day of the incident, the victim was helping out on windshield #1 line due to low staffing levels resulting from inclement weather. She was to keep the line running and relieve other employees so they could go on break. The victim noticed the video inkjet on the #1 line was not printing correctly on the windshields. She notified the supervisor, who then left the area to stop the line so the inkjet could be repaired. When the supervisor returned to windshield #1 line, she found the victim with her head and neck pinned between the automatically actuated carriage carrying the windshield to the inkjet and a fixed metal portion of the machine. The investigation determined that the machine was not properly guarded to prevent physical entry into the machine while in operation, and the machine was not locked out before the victim entered the area, which allowed the machine to actuate.