Over the last several years, OSHA has asked, in the annual Supplement B questionnaire, specific questions designed to help share information about the site’s safety and health management systems (SHMS), but mainly about the critical areas of PSM programs and established procedures used to maintain, collect, and analyze PSM systems/process metrics.
In 2016, OSHA developed a Fact Sheet, “The Use of Metrics in Process Safety Management (PSM) Facilities.” The Fact Sheet includes information provided by VPP-PSM participants from the 2014 and 2015 Supplement B responses. Since 2019, the PSM Supplement B results have been presented at Regional and National VPPPA events. The feedback we received from the attendees during the interactive sessions has been very valuable. We continue to accept feedback from the participants and our field staff, and have modified several of the questions accordingly. OSHA hopes to have similar discussions in the future to improve the collection of the best information possible about PSM programs in relation to the Safety and Health Management System (SHMS).