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September 18, 2022
Respondent is the current operator of a chemical manufacturing and distribution facilities. The General Duty Clause applies to any stationary source producing, processing, handling, or storing regulated substances, as defined above, or other extremely hazardous substances (“EHS”). EHSs include regulated substances listed pursuant to Section 112(r)(3) of the Act at 40 C.F.R. § 68.130 and chemicals on...
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September 18, 2022
The requirement to issue a hot work permit, including documentation of necessary fire protection and prevention measures, is currently in the RMP regulation only for Program 3 processes. Under 40 CFR 68.85(b), “The permit shall be kept on file until completion of the hot work operations.” Under the existing RMP regulations, it can be difficult for implementing agencies to determine if the facility...
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September 18, 2022
EPA initially looks to the latest version of industry codes, standards, and guidelines to determine whether an owner or operator has documented compliance with RAGAGEP under 40 CFR 68.65(d)(2), given that 40 CFR part 68 does not define the phrase “recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices.” EPA believes this application makes sense because the plain meaning of the phrase is that...
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September 18, 2022
The current definition of “retail facility” at 40 CFR 68.3 is “a stationary source at which more than one-half of the income is obtained from direct sales to end users or at which more than one-half of the fuel sold, by volume, is sold through a cylinder exchange program.” The period of sales to end users is unclear; it lacks a definite time frame to calculate whether more than one-half of the facility’s...
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September 18, 2022
Currently, under 40 CFR 68.3, the term “stationary source” does NOT apply to transportation activities, including storage incident to transportation for any regulated substance or any other extremely hazardous substance. A stationary source does include transportation containers connected to loading/unloading equipment or used for storage, not incident to transportation. Still, the term “storage,...
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September 16, 2022
The new criteria include violations of all hazards and OSHA standards and will continue to focus on repeat offenders in all industries. Previously, an employer could be in the program for failing to meet a limited number of standards. The changes will broaden the program’s scope with the possibility that additional industries will fall within its parameters. Specifically, the updated criteria...
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September 13, 2022
A 48-year-old worker entered a tanker trailer to inspect it as part of an annual U.S. Department of Transportation requirement and was overcome by exposure to bleach and chlorine gas. The worker was found unconscious in the tanker trailer, and he later died of his injuries. An investigation by OSHA determined his employer failed to identify and evaluate atmospheric hazards in the confined space, train...
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September 13, 2022
The respondent’s facility (“Facility”) is located in a mixed-use area. The Facility is located on the third and fourth floors of a mixed-use commercial/industrial building that houses medical offices, a deli, and other businesses. The Facility is located within a third of a mile of several tourist attractions, including museums and restaurants. The east end of the building abuts the...
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September 11, 2022
Another great review on the design, construction, and capacity of flammable storage cabinets, a topic that seems never to go away.
Safety Tip: Single-walled supply cabinets do not work.
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September 11, 2022
Why GAO Did This Study? Over 11,000 RMP facilities across the nation have extremely hazardous chemicals in amounts that could harm people, property, or the environment if accidentally released. Risks to these facilities include those posed by natural hazards, which may damage the facilities and potentially release the chemicals into surrounding communities. Climate change mayAccording to the Fourth...
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September 11, 2022
Ammonia (CAS# 7664-41-7) is an Extremely Hazardous Substance (EHS), listed at 40 CFR Part 355 Appendix A EPA website and Appendix B with a reportable quantity (RQ) of 100 lbs. Both ammonia and ammonium hydroxide (CAS# 1336-21-6) are listed as Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) hazardous substances at 40 CFR 302.4. Under CERCLA, ammonia is listed with...
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September 11, 2022
The RMP Amendments, finalized on January 13, 2017, included a requirement for owners or operators of a stationary source to engage in emergency response coordination activities (40 CFR §68.93). The regulatory text in 40 CFR §68.10(b) states that compliance with these activities must be completed by March 14, 2018. Because the RMP Amendments were not effective until September 21, 2018, are facilities...
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