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March 17, 2013
There are several ways you can assess your risk and make simple changes to reduce the hazards that may be present in an electrical system. By ensuring that your home undergoes a thorough electrical inspection completed by a qualified electrician before buying, selling, or remodeling a home, you can help make certain your home’s electrical system operates at the highest level of safety possible....
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March 17, 2013
This is the story about 4 people named EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, AND NOBODY. There was an unsafe condition in the workplace and Everybody was sure that Somebody would report it. Anybody could have reported it, but Nobody did. Somebody got angry because it was Everybody’s responsibility (job). EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could report it & surely thought that SOMEBODY would...
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March 17, 2013
PLEASE take note of the “Chemical Hygiene Plan” (per 1910.1450) posted on the door in the green folder! Turn to page 4 and you will find the “housekeeping” section and on page 21 you will see the section pertaining to the importance of not blocking the emergency eyewash/safety shower. The other one I got a chuckle out of was the section on flammable liquids (which...
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March 16, 2013
Does your facility have “egress stairwells” located either within the building or external to the building? If your facility has multi-level structures, you should have an egress arrangement similar to the one shown to the left (whether inside or outside). These emergency egress stairs have some often over looked fire code and OSHA requirements that I would like to mention....
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March 15, 2013
Cal/OSHA is reminding all employers to protect their outdoor workers from the risk of heat illness, as temperatures in the Central Valley and parts of Southern California are expected to reach the 80s today and into the weekend, with record highs expected in some areas. “While California’s heat illness standards are the toughest in the country, we will continue to make sure employers and employees...
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March 15, 2013
Do fire extinguishers have to be labeled? Answer – Yes. So what does OHSA require in 1910.157(c)(1)? The employer shall provide portable fire extinguishers and shall mount, locate and identify them so that they are readily accessible to employees without subjecting the employees to possible injury. 1910.157 was adopted from NFPA 10 back in 1980 and in that standard there...
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March 15, 2013
OSHA revised its Outreach Training Program Requirements again in February 2013 for their 10-hour and 30-hour courses. Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainers are REQUIRED to follow these latest REVISIONS of the Outreach Training Program Requirements when conducting Outreach Training Program classes. These latest revisions PROHIBIT trainers from advertising that their training is “OSHA compliant”. ...
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March 14, 2013
This notice advises the public that PHMSA has confirmed the marking, service and/or sale of certain high pressure DOT specification cylinders marked with a requalification identification number (RIN) without performing a valid hydrostatic requalification test. Kraus Fire Equipment Co. marked DOT cylinders as tested without approval from the Associate Administrator to requalify DOT cylinders and without...
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March 14, 2013
In March, 2007, the CSB recommended that the American Petroleum Institute1(API) and the United Steelworkers International Union2 (USW) jointly lead the development of an ANSI consensus standard with guidelines for fatigue prevention. The recommendation arose from the investigation of the BP Texas City refinery incident in 2005 (CLICK HERE for additional information on that accident). Their...
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March 13, 2013
WARNING! This post may offend some, but it is 2013 and to have house fires today with NO WORKING SMOKE DETECTORS, well someone needs to get offended. That 4-year old little girl DESERVED better and I will not relent to political correctness when we are KILLING our children because we have misplaced responsibilities! This video is making the rounds, as it is a dramatic sight to witness...
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March 13, 2013
EPA inspected a meat plant that has an ammonia refrigeration process that qualified as a Program 3. This inspection should garner additional attention as this inspection took place VERY SOON after the facility was sold/bought. The new owner took over on August 29, 2011 and the inspection took place on May 16th and 17th, 2012. The new owner was cited for issues that resulted from...
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