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December 31, 2012
1. Safety means: Complete understanding of our work, Knowledge of every step that must be taken; the realization that mistakes could be costly TO OURSELVES AND TO THE COMPANY. 2. Safety means: Good judgment; never relying on luck; being prepared to cope with unexpected situations; being alert when following your routine. 3. Safety means: Consideration for the family that depends on us; for...
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December 31, 2012
Safe people always:
Understand the risks of their jobs
Perform jobs the way they are supposed to be done, without taking shortcut
Never become complacent about safety
Get involved in efforts to improve safety
Know what to do in an emergency
Develop these habits so you’ll be a very safe person, too.
“You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know.” Oscar Wilde
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December 31, 2012
1) Mental Distractions and Inattention – Have you ever replayed in your mind unpleasant scenes at home while operating equipment on the job? Perhaps something big happens to you last weekend and you’re anticipating its wonders while literally climbing on a ladder. Maybe one or two times you’re mixing chemicals and you decide to have a little chat with a co-worker. No harm in that...
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December 31, 2012
By Carl Potter, CSP, CMC and Deb Potter, PhD, CMC How many times have you heard people saying something completely ridiculous or that you know just isn’t right? You don’t have to go very far these days to encounter such statements. With everyone having their say on blogs, You Tube, and even the nightly news, you probably hear things several times a day that you just don’t agree with or...
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December 31, 2012
Do you make a habit of? Following safety rules and procedures YES NO • Using assigned personal protective equipment (PPE)?• Asking questions when you aren’t sure about the safe thing to do?• Reporting all workplace hazards, no matter how small they seem?• Paying attention to safety training and using what you learn?• Knowing two emergency evacuation routes from your work area?• Participating in fire...
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December 29, 2012
Effective January 1, 2007, PHMSA adopted a shipping description sequence consisting of identification number first, followed by the proper shipping name, hazard class or division number, and packing group (e.g., UN1133, Adhesives, 3, PG II). This new shipping description sequence is mandatory on shipping documents prepared according to the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Technical...
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December 29, 2012
Worry is the misuse of imagination. Dan Zadra, Business Executive The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right time, but also to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment…. Unknown Always know that you are the CEO of all you do. Dr. Vincent Muli Wa Kituku, CSPAuthor, Speaker and Seminar Leader I would rather be an orphan in Kentucky than...
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December 29, 2012
Overexertion injuries generally fall into two categories: Sprains – stretching or tearing ligaments Strains – stretching or tearing tendons or muscles Overexertion occurs when the load, whether lifted, carried, pushed, pulled or otherwise handled, exceeds the limits of the human joint system doing the work. Overexertion injuries have been associated with these activities: lifting repeated bending at...
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December 29, 2012
Gravity never forgets. As soon as you set foot on the ladder’s first rung and pull your body off the ground, gravity works to bring you back to earth. Therefore, it’s no surprise that ladder safety begins from the ground up. Start with a good foundation Proper ladder setup will help prevent slips and falls. Place the base on a firm, solid surface. Avoid slippery, wet or soft surfaces....
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December 29, 2012
Apparently the employee stepped on a 2X6 Scaffold board that came up and struck him in the face. As a result of the Incident investigation it was determined that poor housekeeping was the root cause of the incident. This did not happen on our site, we did however use this as an example to emphasize the importance of good housekeeping here on our site. Feel free to share this as you see fit.
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December 29, 2012
SAFETY IS YOUR RESPONSIBILTY: Today is the best time to think about bad safety habits and then correct them. SAFETY MUST BE LEARNED Remembering the safety guidelines and procedures established by the company and applying them in EVERY MINUTE and aspect of your life, whether at work or at home. Let us try and anticipate what could happen by being aware of near misses and reporting them. In this...
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December 29, 2012
Fire prevention is something which should concern everyone. Not only are fires dangerous , they are costly, because they can destroy valuable property. Fires in the workplace can lead to injuries, loss of lives and the loss of jobs. Employees can help prevent fires in the workplace by being alert and practicing some safety precautions. Fires usually start small, but can rage out of control...
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