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- Over 17,600 categorized unsafe acts/conditions and accident/injury photos
- Over 1,450 ppt's & doc's
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- Over 450 videos
I am proud to announce that have extended our”Partners in Safety” agreement for another year (2025).
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Many THANKS to my NEW Members and those who CONTINUE to support SAFTENG:

December 26, 2012
One of my maintenance employees had just placed a Gerrad banding machine on a workbench in the maintenance shop with a forklift to service it. The unit was resting on the table with two legs off the table; the employee was attempting to rotate it to the right to get it resting on all four legs by manually lifting it. As he turned the unit, the leg next to his right hand slipped off the...
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December 26, 2012
Back in the Polyurea area, they sometimes need to trim foam trays to remove rough edges, making them look as clean as possible for our customers. The stencil knives were laying on the table waiting to bite someone who moved a hand across the table. Hazard known; how to fix was the next step. With all that foam, could it be that easy?? Yes, it could! At the edge of one table an organizer...
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December 26, 2012
This Policy affects all employees and subcontractors that drive company vehicles and employees that may drive personal vehicles on company related business. Vehicle accidents are costly, but more importantly, they may result in an injury to you or others. It is the driver’s responsibility to operate the vehicle in a safe manner and to drive defensively to prevent injuries and property damage. As such,...
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December 26, 2012
Hey Guys, We understand that you are well known for your shocker photos… We just thought you could use some updated photos of “Doing it Right”. Also, I remember a few weeks ago I said I would send a ppt from the ASSE ROC. I will send that next. Thanks for all the continued support. I think the meeting in Arizona last went extremely well. ADOSH is scheduled to give a recommendation...
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December 26, 2012
Our meter readers each read literally hundreds and hundreds of meters daily. Water, Electric & Gas – these folks move quickly from one site to another. With water meters, they pull the top of the meter box off and reach down to flip the small protective cover off the glass covered meter itself to read and record the current usage. The flip the cover back over and replace the lid. Typically for...
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December 26, 2012
This morning at 6:32 AM while walking downward on a 4/12 sheathed roof, one of our workers stumbled and fell face first toward the outside edge of the single story roof he was working on. From the momentum of his fall he lurched over the 2×6 slide guard at the edge of the roof and continued over the edge. He was wearing a properly fitted full body harness connected to a DBI/SALA© Ultra Lok® SRL...
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December 26, 2012
The Fujian Refining and Ethylene Project (FREP) is now at the peak of construction with a workforce of about 16 – 18 k persons at site. As of the beginning of the construction we have been putting a lot of emphasis on fall protection. The number and quality of scaffolds at Chinese construction sites is not comparable to any Western site. Therefore we have been focusing strongly on the 100%...
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December 25, 2012
We all have a natural tendency to want to be safe. Put another way, psychologists say that normal individuals possess certain desires through which safety becomes appealing. These desires include: Avoiding personal injury Avoiding personal loss Reward seeking Striving for leadership Excelling Preventing injuries to others Avoiding making an unfavourable impression Avoiding punishment It’s easy to recognize...
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December 25, 2012
When it comes to Safety….it really is up to you! The best safety program in the world – cannot keep you safe unless you heed the warnings, recognise the hazards, and follow the rules. The most experienced safety manager – cannot get you home at the end of the day, unless you take an active role in the safety program. Your Supervisor can only do so much – he/she cannot wear your...
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December 25, 2012
An important way to help prevent accidents is to report any safety incidents that occur. When accidents are reported, they can be investigated and the problems that caused them can be corrected. But when incidents go unreported, things don’t get fixed, and the same situation could occur again. The bad news is that people sometimes fail to report incidents because: They don’t want to get...
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December 25, 2012
People with a “can do” attitude almost always get the job done – regardless of the obstacles. Unfortunately, many with that same “can do” attitude sometimes consider safety one of those obstacles. This brings out the tragic, and actual, case of John, who no doubt “attacked” his work with a “can do” attitude. Most of us know someone like John, and maybe we know the person all too well....
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December 25, 2012
As a general rule we must all be aware of, understand and apply the following to be able to maintain safe work practice and demonstrate positive behaviour. Know your Emergency Response Plan and all instructions to seek emergency help. Always be aware of Surroundings and Field Conditions Observe all safety policies, regulations, safe work practices, and job instructions for your job or occupation. Correct...
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