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August 13, 2012
My two kids are starting back to school next week and it reminded me that I have neglected to share some back to school safety tips in the past couple of years. Here are some tips from the National Safety Council for us to consider! Remember, the key to safety is EDUCATING those we wish to IMPACT in a positive way and this includes our kids!
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August 13, 2012
For immediate release:July 31, 2012 Contact information:Melanie Mesaros, Public Information Officer503-947-7428 Oregon OSHA urges caution following three workplace carbon monoxide incidents Overexposures send workers to the hospital (Salem) –In recent weeks, employees at three different Portland-area worksites were exposed to high levels of carbon monoxide while operating gas-powered...
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August 12, 2012
Although it is not really “new” any longer; OSHA revised 1910.307 in 2007 and many of the facts that are presented in this article may be “news” to a lot of you. Many of the “new” requirements in 1910.307 Hazardous (classified) Locations are often not well understood or not even known. This article, which has been extracted from an assortment of...
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August 12, 2012
… Providing each authorized entrant or that employee’s authorized representative with the opportunity to observe any monitoring or testing of permit spaces. How many of us have this compliance requirement written into our CS Entry program or permitting procedure? During an inspection, the OSHA CSHO will be looking for evidence this requirement is being met. It is NOT acceptable to claim...
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August 12, 2012
A truck was carring 2 Acetylene gas cylinders and 2 Oxygen gas cylinder in the back and it caught fire in the middle of road. The cylinder on fire flew like a missle, hit at a car, penetrated the car roof and final stopped after hit it a second car front bumper.
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August 9, 2012
(UPDATED on 8/14/12 @ 11:40 a.m.) I can not vouch for this entire video as I was unable to watch it all (fear of extreme heights with no PFAS). I did listen to all (with a few stomach turning peeks here and there) and there are some interesting comments about “free climbing” and that OSHA accepts this practice (????). This is absolutely UNREAL and to see it done with ZERO fall...
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August 9, 2012
What is meant by the term “critical utilities” when used in context with process safety? I like to define the term as any utility that plays a safety role within the covered process. Probably the most common “critical utility” is the use of nitrogen within a flammable liquid process, where nitrogen is used for blanketing tanks, inerting flammable atmospheres, blowing lines, etc. But...
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August 9, 2012
When will companies learn!!! Hanging a safety banner is just asking for it! I love these as they are ALWAYS an opportunity to poke fun at ourselves and our profession. In a recent article in MS regarding changes to the state worker comp drug and post-accident drug testing they highlighted a local company. The picture shows the workplace with the infamous safety banner touting...
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August 9, 2012
MANY THANKS to my NEW & RENEWING “Partners in Safety” for their support! since 2011 since 2012 since 2012 since 2009 2012 Fatality Tracker Electrical 46 (2011 = 81) (2010 = 90) (2009 = 100) Forklift/Manlift Mobile Equipment 39 (2011 = 84) (2010 = 110) (2009 = 88) Mining 49 (2011 = 248) (2010 = 480) (2009...
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August 7, 2012
This week EPA put out a news release regarding an RMP inspection at an Ethanol plant in CO. But this news release had something in it that I had never seen before in the hundreds of RMP news releases I have read since 1999. The news release contained a breakdown of the demographics within the WCS for the facility. So this led me to wondering… why does this matter and is EPA...
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August 7, 2012
MANY THANKS to my NEW & RENEWING “Partners in Safety” for their support! since 2011 since 2012 since 2012 since 2009 2012 Fatality Tracker Electrical 45 (2011 = 81) (2010 = 90) (2009 = 100) Forklift/Manlift Mobile Equipment 38 (2011 = 84) (2010 = 110) (2009 = 88) Mining 49 (2011 = 248) (2010 = 480)...
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August 6, 2012
Ask a group of experienced engineers in ammonia refrigeration, ammonia fertilizer, and eletrical utilities if Post Weld Heat Treating (PWHT) is needed for vessels used in Anyhydrous Ammonia service and you will get a varying degree of answers. I am certainly not one to ask, but we do recommend PWHT for any new vessels put into this type of service based on the benefits this treatment brings to...
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