AMAZINGLY POOR DECISION? And I am not referring to the media team, although I question their understanding of the risks they were taking! I am talking about the IC and the decision to permit a news crew to set up lights and camera in the HOT ZONE of an active release. This is the 2nd NH3 release in less than 30 days (Scene Management is a function of IC) that we have SERIOUSLY FAILED to implement the most basic of IC responsibilities… SCENE MANAGEMENT! The news crew in the video was permitted to set up their 10 p.m. live update with a SERIOUS and ACTIVE NH3 release in the background and folks they are a mere 100 yards from this active release (a 20 ton release as it tunrs out!). Have we lost all respect for anhydrous ammonia (NH3)? This is absolutely crazy – wind direction or no wind… your thoughts? CLICK HERE to see the series of video reports (2) from this scene! Click the read more to see another video of the attempt at capping this leak. This is also a GREAT video to show personnel what a 2″ pipe failure looks like when the excess flow valve on a tank fails to close!!!!
PART II – Scene Management is a function of IC (20 Ton NH3 Release)