There was some legal advice given today on a social media site regarding documenting our safety training with sign-in sheets, so if OSHA ever asked for records to show an employee was “trained”, the employer would be able to show the sign-in sheet. The advice even contained the statement:
Your safety training in this respect does not need to be long – in theory, it could even be less than one minute. All of this training is worthy of being documented, even if it can be given in one minute or less – and, despite the brevity, it can still save a life. And, (since I’m a lawyer – can’t forget that) it can protect you legally as well.
These comments just blew me away but in his/her defense they were speaking as a lawyer and not a safety professional. But these comments represent the struggles of modern-day safety… too many businesses work to satisfy the minimum standards of a government agency rather than working towards what is best for their workers.
This leads me to one of our top findings over 20 years of auditing… 1910.132(f)(2)