Volume 2 covers 25 serious chemical incidents in 14 states: Arkansas, Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma and Texas. These serious incidents resulted in 7 fatalities, 23 serious injuries, and approximately $1 billion in property damage.
Link to Volume 2: http://www.idevmail.net/link.aspx?l=1&d=86&mid=421120&m=2672
The reports give the public important information about serious chemical incidents that have been reported to the CSB under the agency’s Accidental Release Reporting Rule. The 25 incidents covered in Volume 2 occurred between May 2020 to August 2024. The release of Volume 2 is part of the CSB’s ongoing effort to make summaries of reported incidents available to the public on a regular basis.
Since July 2022 the agency has been posting overall data on its website about the incidents reported under the ARRR, including the name and location of the chemical facility involved in the incident, the date of the incident, and whether the incident involved a fatality, serious injury, or substantial property damage.