OSHA answers the following questions as they relate to 1910.178 Powered Industrial Trucks
Does OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.178 apply to the following equipment:
Scenario: In an OSHA interpretation letter dated June 27, 2011, OSHA noted that “ANSI / National Golf Car Manufacturers Association (NGCMA) Z130.1-2004 defines a golf car as, “a vehicle used to convey a person or persons and equipment to play the game of golf in an area designated as a golf course.” Golf cars are considered by design to be recreational vehicles and are exempt from 29 CFR 1910.178. Again, it is the design of the vehicle that is the determining factor of whether or not it is considered a powered industrial truck, rather than the manner in which it is utilized.
OSHA’s short answer is YES; 29 CFR 1910.178 applies to the equipment listed above. Here is their reasoning.
NOTE: some emphasis is by me and some links have been added for ease of access to referenced documents/sources