EPA RMP General Duty Citations @ a chemical facility (Flammable Liquids and $22K)

On June 23, 1999, Respondent submitted a Risk Management Plan (“RMP”) for the Facility for the storage of acrolein. Respondent de-registered the RMP from EPA’s national database on July 15, 2010. EPA conducted an inspection of the Facility on August 11, 2010, to assess Respondent’s compliance with Section 112(r)(l) and (7) of the CAA, 42 U.S.C. § 7412(r)(1) and (7). Subsequent to the inspection, Respondent submitted to EPA an inventory of chemicals present in the warehouse during the inspection and their respective flammability classes. According to the chemical inventory, 4,675 gallons of Class lA liquids and 4,125 gallons of Class IC liquids were stored at the Facility in 55-gallon drums. Class lA and IC liquids are flammable liquids.

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