MSA is issuing this User Safety Notice due to a potential safety issue involving 50ft./15m. Workman SRLs. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause. We have determined that a small percentage of Workman 50 ft./15 m. SRLs manufactured from January through August of 2015 may have an improper brake nut torque setting. This condition is not detectable when performing the normal pre-use inspection procedure. SRLs with this condition may not arrest a user’s fall or may not arrest it within the specified maximum arrest distance. There have been no reports of incidents attributed to this condition, but we ask for your immediate assistance in allowing us to replace all affected SRLs. Please contact MSA as indicated below to schedule the replacement. Continued use of SRLs within this date range is also possible provided they pass a one-time special inspection. They must also meet all normal inspection requirements laid out in the user instructions. Please contact MSA if you would like more information on this special inspection. To identify affected 50ft./15m. Workman SRLs, check the label affixed to the unit. Affected SRLs have one of the following “model” numbers and the “date made” is from 01-2015 through 08-2015:
MSA User Safety Notice – 50ft./15m. Workman® Self-Retracting Lanyard