Tomorrow OSHA will publish their new standard Walking-Working Surfaces and Personal Protective Equipment (Fall Protection Systems) in the Federal Register. This means that 60 days later (January 17, 2017), the standard will be EFFECTIVE, with some provisions having delayed enforcement dates. This rule, in the making since the 1990’s, will essentially change the way FALL PROTECTION in general industry workplaces will be managed and the BIGGEST change will come to FIXED LADDERS over the next 2 years and 20 years. The new rule will FINALLY CLARIFY (beyond question) that workers must be protected from fall hazards along unprotected sides or edges that are at least 4 feet above a lower level (NOT 6′ like in the construction industry!). The final rule revises and updates the requirements in the general industry WalkingWorking Surfaces standards (29 CFR part 1910, subpart D), including requirements for ladders, stairs, dockboards, and fall and falling object protection; and it adds new requirements on the design, performance, and use of personal fall protection systems (29 CFR part 1910, subpart I). The final rule also makes conforming changes to other standards in part 1910 that reference requirements in subparts D and I. Under the final rule, employers may choose from the following fall protection options:
OSHA’s Walking-Working Surfaces and Personal Protective Equipment (Fall Protection Systems) standard has arrived