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Many THANKS to my NEW Members and those who CONTINUE to support SAFTENG:

June 8, 2013
The crew felt the pressure to get things done fast, and the supervisor did, too. The job was to pick truck parts from a series of tall storage racks in the warehouse and rush them out to the front counter, where hurried customers and impatient sales staff waited. Because of the hurry-up atmosphere, the supervisor took shortcuts while using one of several powered lift trucks to reach the...
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June 7, 2013
As I go to work today
Lord keep me safe is what I Pray,
Guard me from a short cut that I may take
Please keep me wise and out of harm’s way,
Help me be strong and choose what’s right
That I may avoid a terrible plight,
I want to see my wife tonight
My kids and grand kids are my delight,
Guide me and keep me through this day
That I may provide for my family one more day
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June 7, 2013
The IRSST just published a guide for safe use of isocyanates. The guide is intended for anyone working in the field of occupational health and safety. It is designed to educate, inform and raise awareness, and has no regulatory value. Readers will come to understand the chemical hazards associated with isocyanates and will be able to make informed decisions about ways to reduce exposure and possibly...
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June 6, 2013
AMAZINGLY POOR DECISION? And I am not referring to the media team, although I question their understanding of the risks they were taking! I am talking about the IC and the decision to permit a news crew to set up lights and camera in the HOT ZONE of an active release. This is the 2nd NH3 release in less than 30 days (Scene Management is a function of IC) that we have SERIOUSLY...
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June 5, 2013
CLICK HERE for the pdf file
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June 5, 2013
Company failed to lockout and/or positively seal off an oil discharge which are readily adaptable to lockable controls and readily sealed to prevent the release of ammonia gas into the atmosphere when performing a “Hot Gas” procedure to correct an operational defect, product icing in the chiller. As direct result of this violation, an employee suffered a fatal exposure to ammonia...
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June 3, 2013
On September 11, 2012 EPA conducted a compliance inspection of a Bulk Petroleum and Anhydrous facility to determine its compliance with the Risk Management Plan (“RMP”) regulations promulgated pursuant to Section 112(r) of the Act, and set forth at 40 C.F.R. Part 68. Based on the inspection and documents submitted by Respondent, EPA has determined that Respondent violated the following...
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June 3, 2013
We receive hundreds of questions each week and these are the 20 most frequently asked questions and the answers on NFPA 70E®. 1. What section of Article 130 do you consider to be the most important? I consider 130.1 to be the most important because it points out that all of the requirements in Article 130 apply whether the incident energy (calculation) method or hazard/risk category (table) method...
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June 2, 2013
Many THANKS to my NEWEST and RENEWING Corporate Partners in Safety… since 2013 returning from 2007 since 2004 since 2013 2013 Fatality Tracker Electrical 11 (2012 = 68) (2011 = 81) (2010 = 90) (2009 = 100) Forklift/Manlift 26 (2012 = 52) (2011 = 84) (2010 = 110) (2009 = 88) Mining* 36 (2012 = 92*) (2011 = 248) (2010 = 480) (2009 = 586) *no longer includes China accidents Explosions...
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June 1, 2013
What are the TWO (2) safety items that MUST be present on ALL air receivers (e.g. pressure vessels)? We do not have to have a degree in Mechanical Engineering to identify these BASIC needs; rather we just need to inspect EACH of our receivers! 1910.169(b)(3)(i) Every air receiver shall be equipped with an indicating pressure gage (so located as to be readily visible) AND with one or more spring-loaded...
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