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August 5, 2012
I have been debating about posting this weeks photo, but decided ever how unpopular it may be, it needs to be shown. The picture comes from a family blog where the dad took his son to work. Yes that is a six year old on the roof cleaning out the gutters. Shockingly enough, the dad was not even on the roof when this photo was taken (stated on the caption of the photo). …...
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August 5, 2012
Since I was able to conduct my very first fit test, I was taught that the Qualitative method was ONLY permitted when the user was wearing an Air Purifying Respirator (APR) which needed a fit factor of 100 or less. When I read 1910.134(f)(6), that is exactly how I read it today… QLFT may only be used to fit test negative pressure air-purifying respirators that must achieve a fit factor of...
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August 4, 2012
Let’s start with a quick quiz to test our knowledge of the manufacturer’s expectations of their equipment. 1) What are the three (3) different types of inspections that an Emergency SCBA must under go? Bonus Question related to #1: Name the inspection/testing frequency for an SCBA cylinder that is composite fiber wrapped? 2) What test must be conducted on a LEVEL A suit on an annual...
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August 2, 2012
I think someone has awakened the giant within the USA Government Safety Agencies! Below is a SUMMARY of the document request from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to a business wanting to build a Gas Liquefaction Plant in Corpus Christi, TX. For those involved in Process Safety, the list will be recognizable; but ask yourself… Would I be able to provide all...
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August 2, 2012
This report documents research undertaken in 2007 and 2008 to examine the important factors affecting the production of flammable vapour in incidents where large storage tanks of volatile liquids are overfilled. This is an important output from the Buncefield response programme that was not published on completion due to constraints on HSL staff involved in the investigation arising from the legal...
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August 1, 2012
MANY THANKS to my NEW & RENEWING “Partners in Safety” for their support! since 2012 since 2012 since 2009 since 2012 since 2012 2012 Fatality Tracker Electrical 43 (2011 = 81) (2010 = 90) (2009 = 100) Forklift/Manlift Mobile Equipment 38 (2011 = 84) (2010 = 110) (2009 = 88) Mining 43 (2011 = 248) (2010 = 480)...
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July 30, 2012
And we wonder how PRCS fatalities still happen in the USA!?!?!?! What Larry, Mo and Curly do their entry. And for those who believe that public works projects does not need OSHA to drive safety, well here is some evidence that position may be a bit flawed. Notice the non-entry rescue capabilities, air monitoring, etc.! I can hear it now… Bob just jump down there real quick...
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July 30, 2012
CLICK HERE for another fire sprinkler head with a COUNTERFEIT UL Approval.
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July 27, 2012
MANY THANKS to my NEW & RENEWING “Partners in Safety” for their support! since 2012 since 2012 since 2009 since 2012 since 2012 2012 Fatality Tracker Electrical 42 (2011 = 81) (2010 = 90) (2009 = 100) Forklift/Manlift Mobile Equipment 38 (2011 = 84) (2010 = 110) (2009 = 88) Mining 42 (2011 = 248) (2010 = 480)...
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