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April 8, 2023
HSE Inspectors routinely come across workers with various degrees of stubble growth using respiratory protective masks despite guidance to the contrary. This research studied the effect of 0-7 days stubble growth on the protection given by FFP3 filtering facepieces and half masks.
Fifteen male volunteers took part, each testing four masks. For most, three different designs of FFP3 and one-half...
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April 7, 2023
We hear a lot about the significant role trust and credibility play in a safety effort within an organization looking for a step-change in safety performance and culture. I agree with this; however, I take a different view of how this all plays out. If an organization is struggling with trust and credibility in safety, I believe it is simply a reflection of the lack of trust and credibility...
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April 6, 2023
Building trust and credibility in safety does not require some special effort. It just requires a constant message that is backed up with constantly reinforced behaviors from management/leadership. Some may call this “Walking the Talk”; but we have to ensure the TALK is correct before we walk it!
There are two (2) big pieces to a Safety Management System that not ONLY do they usually NOT...
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April 5, 2023
I have said this many times… one of the most hazardous tasks that can take place on industrial property is the loading/unloading of hazardous materials. So many things can go wrong and with the quantities being handled, hazards can get out of control quickly. So DOT has seen fit to require a “qualified attendant” during the loading and unloading process. However,...
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April 5, 2023
I took this photo as part of an investigation to assist a potential new client in their defense against an OSHA citation. This setup is exactly what OSHA took issue with. A DOT container “dropped” and was being used as a “storage tank” since its motive power had been removed.
This practice caused the PSM threshold for flammable liquids (e.g. 10,000 pounds) to be...
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April 5, 2023
Here Heinrich speaks to the critical role employees play in THEIR safety process. This is where he speaks to keeping interest in safety high and how businesses should go about doing this. He points to employee participation as the critical piece of this effort.
“Of course, keeping guards in place is but one of the many phases of industrial-accident prevention in which the work of creating and...
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April 4, 2023
The folks “up north” are miles ahead of OSHA and EPA process safety standards in one simple but HUGE difference… Process Safety Leadership for Senior Management. This standard, not fully embraced by all provinces within Canada, is something that OSHA and EPA should consider adopting in their efforts to revise their compliance standards. This 2022 revision of CSA Z767:17...
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April 4, 2023
CSA Z767 stipulates that human factors must be considered in risk identification and quantification. In doing so, the design of operator process/equipment interfaces with written guidelines and procedures, staffing levels, and the working environment (noise, vibration, lighting, temperature) should all be considered from the perspective of their effect on both the levels of protection (line of...
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April 3, 2023
After seeing all the complaints online about the referees in this weekend’s NCAA Women’s Championship game I was reminded of how too many safety pros take on the role of “referee” rather than a “coach” at their facility. It is a mistake made by many younger safety pros who do not have a mentor in their careers and trust me, the people who should OWN SAFETY are more than...
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April 2, 2023
“This view of accident causation suggests that unsafe acts are best reduced by eliminating their psychological precursors rather than the acts themselves. However, it must be accepted that whatever measures are taken, some unsafe acts will still occur. It is therefore necessary to provide a variety of defenses to intervene between the act and its adverse consequences. Such defenses can be both...
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April 2, 2023
The LinkedIn groups are at it again and again I will defend their latest outrage. This time it is “safety metrics”. So let’s recap; so far they have attacked the safety management system, root cause analysis, and risk matrices, and now we move to safety metrics. And like the times before, their rhetoric is way over the top, using terms like “evil” and...
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April 2, 2023
Respondent owns and operates a petroleum product refinery. In May 2017 there was a refinery-wide power outage that resulted in flaring and a large release of sulfur dioxide and flammable materials from the Facility. In response to this incident, members of the public were evacuated, required to shelter in place, or visited the emergency room of local hospitals. In March 2019, the Facility experienced...
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