I was always taught from my very first Plant Manager the “standard of safety/risk” is FAMILY. When that manager/supervisor would not think twice of having one of their family members work in their department/unit, they have then achieved the FAMILY SAFETY STANDARD. Now I am not talking about their children, but if they had a teen daughter or son, who was physically capable of doing the work, would they feel they had done enough so that their daughter/son could start work today and they would be confident they would not be injured? Or would they think to themselves…
“I would not let my daughter/son work in that area” or
“I would not let my daughter/son do that job”.
The FAMILY SAFETY STANDARD is the standard to work and live by! NEVER forget… the workers are someone’s daughter/son, mother/father, sister/brother, etc. and they deserve nothing less than our own family!
Granted some employees may be as rebellious as a 16/17-year-old teen and yes we very well may have to stay on them about safety, just like we stay on our kids about cleaning their room(s), driving safely, etc. I understand the frustration with the concept of “we hire adults, why can’t they behave like adults” (e.g. just follow all the safety procedures).