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January 25, 2023
The existing PSM standard (1910.119) applies in part to processes involving a flammable liquid or gas on site in one location in a quantity of 10,000 pounds or more. However, the existing PSM standard contains an exemption for “[f]lammable liquids stored in atmospheric tanks or transferred which are kept below their normal boiling point without benefit of chilling or refrigeration.” 29 CFR § 1910.119...
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January 25, 2023
The potential changes of scope include: Clarifying the exemption for atmospheric storage tanks Expanding the scope to include Oil- and Gas-Well Drilling and Servicing Resuming Enforcement for Oil and Gas Production Facilities Expanding PSM coverage and requirements for reactivity hazards Updating and expanding the list of HHCs in Appendix A of the existing PSM standard Amending Paragraph (k) of the...
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January 23, 2023
What are your thoughts on this approach? Why an overly detailed safety plan can be a liability A massive rulebook that most workers won’t read can leave a contractor vulnerable to fines and lawsuits, according to panelists at AGC’s safety conference. It seems we are on a merry-go-round of...
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January 23, 2023
As I have been writing about fundamental safety practices and how they play a critical role in OSH and Process Safety in the workplace, my views get pounded by the HOP and Psychological safety gurus. As I have said countless times, HOP and Psychological Safety have roles in a world-class safety management system; however, they are just supporting roles and are not core to the SMS. ...
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January 23, 2023
This is a safety discussion that needs to happen in a lot of workplaces! This ref’s delivery and leadership to regain control of a game that was getting out of hand was SPOT ON! Everything necessary in life (rules, respect, and safety as a value) is ALL about the VALUES our leadership demonstrates. Our priorities change by the hour – our VALUES do not! We can...
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January 23, 2023
For the record, if you are new to the SAFTENG family, I despise the mantras “Safety is #1”, “Safety is our top priority”, etc. It is a nice thing to say, and most of us know it is said often; but what does it mean? My favorite example of how these mantras cause confusion, which leads to loss of credibility and trust in the workplace, is when a legitimate hazard gets...
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January 23, 2023
It took me several years to realize that a traditional OSH program is NOT a “safety management system.” Like many workplaces, I always had a collection of written occupational safety and health programs placed into binders strategically located throughout the facility. Then, I had a separate PSM (and eventually an RMP) program that was a SEPERATE program. And yes, like many...
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January 23, 2023
The Campbell Institute, the National Safety Council center of excellence for environmental, health, and safety management is the leading authority on safety best practices. Members of the Campbell Institute Research & Knowledge subcommittee conducted a comparative analysis of ten award-winning organizations to identify best practices that are common within recognized world-class safety processes....
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January 23, 2023
In the FAA NPRM posting on 1/11/23, we get a glimpse into the agency’s simplified approach to airlines managing safety with a Safety Management System (SMS). The FAA’s Safety Management System (SMS) is composed of four (4) major components: safety policy, safety risk management, safety assurance, and safety promotion The FAA offers some excellent explanations of these elements and...
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January 23, 2023
There is one trait that we will all see and feel when were are in a facility that has figured out world-class safety; that is, they have figured out that a well-managed safety management system will not produce the desired results if the facility’s culture does not support it. As I have said, world-class safety has two sides: Performance and Culture. And the approach to mastering...
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January 22, 2023
I am a big believer in Root Cause Analyzes, and Corrective Action Plans to address our findings from an incident investigation – It just does not get more fundamental than this in industrial safety. Early in my career, I worked for a great man who was ALL ABOUT his employees. He was undoubtedly the most empathetic leader I worked for, and he was a big believer in the RCCA process. But he went...
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