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We offer:
- Over 17,600 categorized unsafe acts/conditions and accident/injury photos
- Over 1,450 ppt's & doc's
- Over 3,975 technical articles on Process Safety & Occupational Safety & Health matters
- Over 450 videos
I am proud to announce that have extended our”Partners in Safety” agreement for another year (2025).
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Many THANKS to my NEW Members and those who CONTINUE to support SAFTENG:

November 13, 2014
Respondent is a Water Works Department (HWWD or Respondent), a municipal owned utility organized under the laws of the State of Indiana. Beginning prior to 1999 Respondent used, stored, handled, and moved, multiple one ton containers of the regulated substance chlorine at the Facility in amounts over the chlorine threshold quantity of 2,500 pounds per year. At all times relevant to this CAPO, Respondent’s...
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November 13, 2014
The Respondent has three RMProgram covered processes, one chlorine dioxide process, which stores or otherwise uses chlorine dioxide in an amount exceeding its applicable threshold of 1,000 pounds, and two chlorine processes, which store or otherwise uses chlorine in amounts exceeding its applicable threshold of 2,500 pounds. Based on an RMProgram compliance monitoring investigation initiated by EPA...
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November 13, 2014
2nd Quarter UPDATE with 289 Shocker and Accident Photos Now over 13,750 exclusive unsafe acts/conditions and accident/injuries photos and over 1,000 ppt’s & doc’s from more than 2,776 contributors! Many THANKS to my RENEWING “Partners in Safety“ since 2009 since 2014 since 2009 since 2009 2014 Fatality Tracker Electrical 50 (2013 = 32) (2012 = 68)...
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November 9, 2014
WARNING! This presentation contains GRAPHIC images that may be upsetting to some. Viewer discretion is advised.
Prevention of ring finger avulsion (“degloving” from Bryan Haywood
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November 9, 2014
NOTE: I have not stopped and have no plans to stop my weekly photo postings. I am in the process of upgrading to Joomla 3.0 and with a site the size of SAFTENG, we do one transfer. The site downloaded a couple of weeks ago and anything I add since then I will have to go back and add again to the new site. Was trying to save myself some work.
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November 9, 2014
If each airline would make their safety video’s like Air New Zealand’s there would be much more attention paid to these safety messages! Sit back and relax and enjoy this safety message…
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November 7, 2014
One of the most common debates in the refrigeration industry is “do my condensers need relief protection”? Everyone from OSHA to IIAR has chimed in with their positions. But recently the SAFTENG team was doing some work in the great state of New Jersey and came across New Jersey’s State Code for refrigeration plants, which stated the following regarding the placement of...
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November 7, 2014
A new exploratory study published by the IRSST has profiled the main types of seat belts for lift truck use sold in Québec. An analysis of physical seat belt characteristics and data collection in seven Québec companies in different industries identified the pros and cons of manual retractors, belts with an automatic locking retractor and emergency locking retractors in terms of operator work efficiency,...
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November 7, 2014
Use the information in this table to build hazard awareness and prevent risk for similar occurrences in your workplace. This table shares preliminary details about many of the fatalities reported to the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration. There were 27 MIOSHA-related deaths in 2013 & 27 MIOSHA-related deaths in 2012. 2009 saw the lowest number with 24. ...
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November 3, 2014
2nd Quarter UPDATE with 289 Shocker and Accident Photos Now over 13,750 exclusive unsafe acts/conditions and accident/injuries photos and over 1,000 ppt’s & doc’s from more than 2,776 contributors! Many THANKS to my RENEWING “Partners in Safety“ since 2009 since 2014 since 2009 since 2009 2014 Fatality Tracker Electrical 48 (2013 = 32) (2012 = 68)...
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October 29, 2014
On July 25, 2012, OSHA issued to Respondent a three item serious citation and a one item willful citation and notification of penalty (citation). The serious citation items allege that, on or about February 6, 2012: Respondent did not maintain a standard railing adjacent to batch plant sand bins that are permit-required confined spaces, in violation of standard 1910.23(c)(3); Respondent did not...
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