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I am proud to announce that have extended our”Partners in Safety” agreement for another year (2025).
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Many THANKS to my NEW Members and those who CONTINUE to support SAFTENG:

May 21, 2014
MANY THANKS to my NEW & RENEWING Partners in Safety since 2014 since 2013 since 2011 2014 Fatality Tracker Electrical 18 (2013 = 32) (2012 = 68) Forklift/Manlift 18 (2013=62) (2012 = 52) Mining* 3741 2013=87*) (2012 = 92*) *no longer includes China Explosions 46 (2013=194) (2012 = 241) Cranes 9 (2013=51) (2012 = 52) Falls 43 (2013=106) (2012 = 99) Work Zone 9 (2013=42) (2012 = 62) Trenching...
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May 19, 2014
Respondent contends that it was improperly cited pursuant to OSHA’s National Emphasis Program (NEP). Specifically, Respondent contends that the NEP, in effect, creates a substantive rule that requires employers to comply with the National Fire Protection Association’s “Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate...
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May 18, 2014
Over the last decade or so it has become popular to utilize a “relief header” in the ammonia refrigeration process. And in more recent years, the practice of installing an ammonia detector in this relief header has become very popular. Here are some random thoughts about these detectors that employers need to think through when considering their installation. Bottom line:...
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May 17, 2014
On 28th August 1992, in a food factory, a liquefied nitrogen storage tank catastrophically failed, causing the destruction of the upper half of the factory as well as damaging other factories and structures partially, including the outer walls, window glass, and shutters of 25 buildings, 39 parked vehicles consisting of busses, trucks and cars, and electric poles in a circle with radius of 1,304’...
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May 17, 2014
UK’s HSE provides some EXCELLENT guidance on how ammonia refrigeration process safety can be managed. We have always taught our process safety courses with the underlying philosophy of process safety as PREVENT, PROTECT, MITIGATE, and in this HSE material they follow the same philosophy. This information is particularly helpful as they have matched up the FAILURE MODES with the PREVENT,...
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May 17, 2014
Today I learned of yet another SIGNIFICANT difference in complying with EPA’s RMP vs. OSHA’s PSM. Yes old dogs can learn new tricks and I am betting that I may not be the only old dog “out of compliance” with 68.200! We have been assisting a company with a US EPA RMP inspection and in doing so I have had the pleasure of working with a very sharp attorney. As we were working through some documentation...
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May 16, 2014
WARNING!!! This video is NOT for the faint of heart. It is REAL, it is GRAPHIC, and it is the result of NOT applying LOTO when climbing into an auger trough. The worker DID SURVIVE but he lost his leg, which for those who watch the video will clearly see that the limb could not be saved. I am serious about the WARNING – viewer discretion is HIGHLY ADVISED!  ...
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May 15, 2014
On July 27, 2011, U.S. EPA conducted a compliance inspection at the facility to determine Respondent’s compliance with the Risk Management Program regulations. Based on the inspection, U.S. EPA alleges that Respondent has committed the following violations of the Risk Management Program regulations:
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May 14, 2014
Brand new utility boiler in 2000. Night crew not properly trained in switching over from gas to oil. During the commissioning, the night crew was ordered to switch over fuel. 3 minutes later a big pile of scrap metal and several million dollars of equipment gone.
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May 14, 2014
MANY THANKS to my NEW & RENEWING Partners in Safety since 2014 since 2013 since 2011 2014 Fatality Tracker Electrical 18 (2013 = 32) (2012 = 68) Forklift/Manlift 16 (2013=62) (2012 = 52) Mining* 1741 2013=87*) (2012 = 92*) *no longer includes China Explosions 45 (2013=194) (2012 = 241) Cranes 9 (2013=51) (2012 = 52) Falls 42 (2013=106) (2012 = 99) Work Zone 9 (2013=42) (2012 = 62) Trenching...
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