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We offer:
- Over 17,600 categorized unsafe acts/conditions and accident/injury photos
- Over 1,450 ppt's & doc's
- Over 3,975 technical articles on Process Safety & Occupational Safety & Health matters
- Over 450 videos
I am proud to announce that have extended our”Partners in Safety” agreement for another year (2025).
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Many THANKS to my NEW Members and those who CONTINUE to support SAFTENG:

October 28, 2014
This video reminds me of my favorite safety poem “I Chose to look the other way” by Mr Merrill.
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October 24, 2014
2nd Quarter UPDATE with 289 Shocker and Accident Photos Now over 13,750 exclusive unsafe acts/conditions and accident/injuries photos and over 1,000 ppt’s & doc’s from more than 2,776 contributors! Many THANKS to my RENEWING “Partners in Safety“ since 2014 since 2009 since 2009 2014 Fatality Tracker Electrical 45 (2013 = 32) (2012 = 68) Forklift/Aerial...
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October 22, 2014
A May 1, 2014, inspection conducted after a complaint alleging three separate fires has resulted in the issuance of eight safety violations. Many of the violations were cited under the Process Safety Management Standard. OSHA cited one willful, two repeat and five serious safety violations and proposed penalties totaling $132,800. OSHA issued one willful violation for failing to conduct necessary inspections...
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October 18, 2014
This 3D animation re-enacts the sequence of events of the workplace incident that occurred at a mushroom composting facility in Langley, B.C. on September 5, 2008. Three workers died and two others were seriously injured in the incident. For more information go to:
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October 17, 2014
This is a hot debate, sadly enough! Here we are going on nearly 20 years of having OSHA’s Permit Required Confined Space standard (1910.146) in place, and we are still debating what is and what is not a CS and PRCS. Granted, there will always be questionable spaces – that is what safety professionals are for! But damn it, these roll-off trash compactor containers are WITHOUT...
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October 17, 2014
In every 24-hour HAZMAT course, we teach, we find that students getting their first official dose of “chemical safety” are shocked to find out that most gases at their facility are NOT white in color. Most have seen dozens of videos over their adult lives showing these large white clouds forming during releases of hazardous materials and just figured that what they were seeing was a chemical...
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October 17, 2014
2nd Quarter UPDATE with 289 Shocker and Accident Photos Now over 13,750 exclusive unsafe acts/conditions and accident/injuries photos and over 1,000 ppt’s & doc’s from more than 2,776 contributors! Many THANKS to my RENEWING “Partners in Safety“ since 2014 since 2009 since 2009 2014 Fatality Tracker Electrical 45 (2013 = 32) (2012 = 68) Forklift/Aerial...
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October 13, 2014
Minutes after they attended the daily safety meeting, Larry, Darryl, and Darryl returned to finish their concrete work!!! We just can’t make this stuff up. Wouldn’t you have loved to be standing nearby to hear this plan hatch out????
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