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March 31, 2014
WARNING! Some harsh language in a very small part of the video. Hazmat teams worked to investigate a 4000-pound ammonia leak after a roof collapse at a cold storage warehouse. Take a walk with two firefighters investigating the NH3 release. Watch, listen and see if you see or hear anything that we can learn from. Video was shot with a helmet cam.
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March 30, 2014
MANY THANKS to my NEWEST and RENEWING Partners in Safety since 2011 since 2006 since 2014 returning partner from 2012 2014 Fatality Tracker Electrical 12 (2013 = 32) (2012 = 68) Forklift/Manlift 11 (2013=62) (2012 = 52) Mining* 9 2013=87*) (2012 = 92*) *no longer includes China accidents Explosions 31 (2013=194) (2012 = 241) Cranes 6 (2013=51) (2012 = 52) Falls 27 (2013=106) (2012 = 99)...
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March 30, 2014
How many times have you heard, or maybe you were the one saying it, that “our initial start-up is the same as normal start-up and that is why we do not have initial start-up procedures”? If I had a $20 bill each time we heard this I would be retired!!!! Recently I was talking process safety with a client who just recently experienced a start-up problem with a new piece of equipment....
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March 29, 2014
Last week I wrote about keeping safety simple by building upon the safety foundation that OSHA has provided and as I expected there were some that were insulted by my position on behavior based safety. Some thought I was some kind of “big government” person, which for those that know me are chuckling right now. I am in NO WAY anti-Behavior Based Safety; in fact I think it is the icing on the cake when...
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March 29, 2014
If you think Behavior Based Safety is something new to the safety movement, THINK AGAIN! It has been around in different forms for over 70 years.
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March 28, 2014
U.S. Attorney Karen L. Loeffler announced today that a Fish Processor pled guilty in U.S. District Court in Anchorage to a charge of illegal dumping of ammonia into the Kodiak city sewer. The Fish Processor was sentenced today by Chief United States District Court Judge Ralph R. Beistline, to three years of probation, and $205,000 in criminal penalties, $55,000 of which is to be directed to the City...
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March 27, 2014
The Respondent, at its stationary source identified in Paragraph 5 of this CAFO, has one RMProgram covered process which stores or otherwise uses ammonia in an amount exceeding its applicable threshold of 10,000 pounds. Based on an RMProgram compliance monitoring investigation initiated on June 13, 2012, the EPA alleges that the Respondent violated the codified rules governing the CAA Chemical...
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March 27, 2014
The Respondent has two RMProgram covered processes which stores or otherwise uses chlorine and methyl chloride in amounts exceeding its applicable respective thresholds of 2,500 and 10,000 pounds. Based on an RMProgram compliance monitoring investigation initiated on January 15-16, 2013, the EPA alleges that the Respondent violated the codified rules governing the CAA Chemical Accident Prevention...
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March 27, 2014
Based on an RMProgram compliance monitoring investigation initiated on July 25, 2012, the EPA alleges that the Respondent violated the codified rules governing the CAA Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions, because Respondent did not adequately implement provisions of 40 CFR Part 68 when it:
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March 27, 2014
A chemical manufacturer has been cited by OSHA for 15 serious violations of the process safety management standard. The August 2013 inspection was initiated under OSHA’s Process Safety Management Covered Chemical Facilities National Emphasis Program. The company faces $73,500 in proposed penalties for exposing workers to hazardous chemical risks. The majority of violations relate to potential...
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